Caring for Cherry Trees: Tips and Techniques for Healthy, Luscious Blooms!

Grow Your Cherries with a Little TLC: Essential Tree Care Advice for Homeowners

Cherry trees are beloved for their beautiful, showy blooms and delicious fruit. Though they’re relatively low-maintenance when it comes to care, there are a few key steps that need to be taken in order to keep your cherry tree healthy and thriving. For more information about different tree care and services, visit:

The first step is proper planting. Since cherry trees have shallow roots, they require well-draining soil and should not be planted too deeply. The hole should be dug twice as wide as the root ball. After placing the tree in the hole, fill with soil up to the same depth as it was originally growing at (check the trunk flare). Water well after planting and mulch around the base of your tree using organic materials such as leaves or grass clippings.


Watering is essential for cherries as they’re shallow-rooted and prone to drying out. During hot, dry weather provide deep waterings twice a week or more. Water around the root zone, allowing it to slowly seep into the soil — avoid frequent, shallow waterings. Fertilizing your cherry tree is also important in order to provide it with necessary nutrients that promote healthy growth and abundant blooms. Use an organic fertilizer formulated for fruit trees at least once per year in early spring before bud break and again when harvesting has finished.

Pruning should be done after flowering each year. Remove any dead, diseased or crossing branches first, then cut back one-third of the remaining shoots. Avoid pruning after August as this can stimulate late season growth which is vulnerable to frost damage.

Cherry trees may become susceptible to various diseases and pests, so keep an eye out for any signs of distress. Monitor for aphids and other insects, as well as fungal infections such as powdery mildew or brown rot. If you notice any issues, act quickly by spraying a natural insecticide or fungicide according to directions on the label.

Overall, with proper care your cherry tree should thrive and give you years of beautiful blooms and sweet fruit! Keep these tips in mind when caring for your own cherry tree and enjoy its luscious harvest year after year.